News from Asociatia Neemia, August 2020

The Horley team, whilst under lock-down rules, have managed to load and dispatch a full articulated lorry from Billingshurst to Dorohoi, all whilst keeping safe and using a small invited team. The warehouse in Billingshurst is now empty. With this is mind and still under certain safety measures we will be receiving aid items in the car park of Horley Baptist Church, during Fridays from 31st July and each Friday in August. It is hoped that we may restart our regular packing sessions at Horley Baptist Church in September. Most of our team in Horley are of a mature age. However, all would love to get back sorting and packing as before.

The Billingshurst warehouse will be open on Saturday mornings during August and then as normal thereafter. Because of an issue with the key box it is no longer possible to drop off items there other than Saturday mornings. The code is changed and will not be available to unauthorised persons. Location details for the warehouse are on our How to Donate page.

It is hoped to have a Christmas lorry ready for November. Please ensure your shoe boxes are with us by Saturday 7th November. If you send by post or parcel services you will have to check with your local depot about collections nearer the time you are ready.

In south Wales the lock-down restrictions had the result of severely restricting movement, so that for weeks and weeks nothing was received. However, for the last 6 weeks materials have been trickling in and, subject to local restrictions, it is back to normal. We anticipate that the numbers of Joy in the Box contributions (due later in the year) may be down this year. Actual shoe boxes are becoming very difficult to obtain so we can accept their contents in bulk form, for making up into gift parcels in Dorohoi.

Once again this month in Dorohoi we have been able to continue to help our most needy families, with a limited range of clothing and some household items. With the help of local contacts we have also been able to obtain some food items such as potatoes, margarine and UHT milk, for sharing with them. The arrival of the lorry on 16th July was a great blessing, we were able to start distributing its contents immediately. Loads of thanks to all those involved.

In this area there was very little precipitation during the winter and rainfall during the spring and summer has been erratic, with some areas flooded and others in near-drought conditions. This has had an adverse effect on the quality and quantity of crops.

The start of the traditional holiday period and the hot summer temperatures have encouraged wise-spread non-compliance with social distancing rules. Whilst we maintain the required measures at the office and shop, our staff are at increased risk whilst out and about.

This month’s featured photos
  • A great effort
  • A generous donation
  • A disappointing harvest

A great effort A generous donation A disappointing harvest

Last month’s performance statistics

These statistics give a snapshot of our aid-related activities last month.

Categories July
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
14 / 49 32 / 40
Beneficiaries this month: 159 203 -20%
Number of Donations: 186 232 -22%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
3,110 7,963 -61%
Exchange Rate,
5·3468 5·2610 2%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, July 2020

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