This page contains links to news from Asociatia Neemia, based in Dorohoi in the far north-east of Romania. These articles first appeared in our monthly Prayer Notes but here they are compiled and expanded for the benefit of those supporters who prefer a more secular format. If you are a new visitor you might like to check our FAQ before continuing with our news pages. Our monthly Prayer Notes are usually published on the Friday preceding the second Tuesday of each month. The initial draft of each month’s news summary follows shortly thereafter but it may be expanded and updated retrospectively.
Clicking on any of the photos on the news pages should take you to the relevant album in our online photo gallery, from where you can access enlargements, more details or related photos. Direct access to the main photo gallery is via this link. The photo gallery is frequently updated with additional photographs as opportunities allow.
Our monthly news summaries can be accessed via the following links:
Our annual reviews of a previous year’s activities and older ad-hoc newsletters are accessible via our archive page.
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